Thursday, Feb 6
Jazz Improvisation
6:30-8:00 pm

Tuesday, Feb 25
Symphonic Band Rehearsal
2:15-3:30 pm

Thursday, Feb 27
Wind Ensemble Concert
7:00 pm
with Hornsby & Bekeley Middle Schools


Jamestown High School Band

JHS band

Jamestown Band Sign Up

If you are a band member already, please LOG IN here to verify your information.

STUDENT INFORMATION  (* is required)
Student Last Name*
Student First Name*
Student Grade for the upcomihg school year*
For the upcoming school year, I plan on participating in the following Jamestown High School Bands. (please check all that apply)*
Street Mailing Address*
Home Phone
Student's Cell phone number
Student email
Student T-Shirt Size*

If you are filling this out for a 2nd child in the same family, you do not need to fill out the rest of this form - just go to the bottom and submit
Mom (or 1st Parent/Guardian) First & Last name please
Dad (or 2nd Parent/Guardian) First & Last name please
Mom’s (or 1st Parent/Guardian) Cell
Dad's (or 2nd Parent/Guardian) Cell
Mom's (or 1st Parent/Guardian) email
Dad's (or 2nd Parent/Guardian) email
Please create a password (if you leave this blank, a password will be generated for you).
If you need to enter an additional student, please submit this form and then enter the next student's information on a new form.